Navigating Through Covid 19

Mandel & Associates Ltd. is committed to the health and well-being of our clients, staff and associates. During these unprecedented times we have taken important steps to help protect and support our clients and staff by including the option to work from home, staggered work schedules, social distancing, and implementing additional sanitizing and cleaning steps. We carefully follow the guidance and recommendations from our government and professional associations.

Currently, we are open to conduct assessment services while following all social distancing measures. To keep clients, staff and associates safe we have implemented the following:

  • Limiting the number of staff and clients in the office at any given time
  • Screening clients prior to their appointment to be sure they are not experiencing any symptoms of illness
  • Sanitization stations set up and accessible to clients
  • Social distancing signage
  • Staff and clients are required to wear masks while together (masks and gloves will be provided to all clients) and will adhere to 6 feet of separation
  • Scheduled cleaning/disinfecting of all offices and high touch surfaces-
  • Recommending hand washing
  • Where possible, clients will be asked to complete psychometric tests independently in a separate office
  • Air purification systems in all offices that utilize UV-C light/ionizer technology. UV-C light technology works with titanium dioxide to enhance the elimination of airborne germs and ionizer technology can enhance the ability to remove particles and keep the air fresh. Both filtration systems use True Hepa filters.

In addition to this, the building management has implemented signage throughout the building to aid in physical distancing and replaced all HVAC filters to a MERV13 filter. This is a BOMA rated filter which traps particles and liquid droplets (i.e., viruses). Outside air will be kept on 100% of the time to ensure proper air flow in the building.

We're moved!

Effective Friday, December 6th, 2024

Our new address is:
#320 – Kensington House
1167 Kensington Crescent NW
Calgary, Alberta T2N 1X7

Our phone, fax, and email will remain the same.

Please update your records.

Referral Request

Please fill out the form below and a member of our administrative staff will be in touch within 1 – 2 business days.